Sunday Breakfast with our Dad


The cast iron frying pan is never washed only rinsed then wiped
The smoked, streaky bacon is layered
Slightly overlapping ‘til it fills the pan
Turn on the gas – low – mustn’t burn the pan.
Very gently fry the smoked bacon
Don’t leave it, watch as it shrinks
Use the little fork to turn the pieces
Slowly the fat leaves the bacon
The bacon shrinks and becomes
Slightly rusty-coloured like a ribbon
Shot through with semi transparent stripes.

Lift the bacon to a warm plate and
keep in a warm place.
Add a tin of chopped tomatoes
to the pan and stir into the bacon fat.
Add a level teaspoon of sugar and
three shakes of vinegar.
Bubble and stir gently over low heat.
Prepare the toast, one thick round each.
Are the breakfast plates warm?
Put toast on each plate – no butter
Place 2 or 3 strips of bacon on the toast.
Scoop on large serving spoonful of
the cooked tomatoes over the bacon, season to taste.

Enjoy family breakfast cooked by Dad.

by  Josephine Hewitt

I was salivating when I first read this poem. Josie’s task was to write a poem around a recipe. Made me want to try it out.